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Submitting a SLURM Script


Submit your job script using sbatch, check its status with squeue --me, monitor outputs with watch tail my_output_file.out, and cancel jobs with scancel if needed.

Once you have completed your SLURM submission script, save it as a .sh file. For example, if you have a submission script named, you can submit it by running:


in the Turing terminal window. Your job will be placed in the scheduler queue and will run when resources become available.

🖥️ Monitoring Your Job

Checking Job Status

To check the status of your running and queued jobs, use the command:

squeue --me

This command will show the status of only your own jobs.

you can use the watch command to look at the output in real time

watch squeue --me


you can cancel any running command using ctrl-c inside the terminal. This kills the activly running process.

Output and Error Files

When you submit a job, SLURM redirects your job's standard output and standard error to files. By default, these files are combined into slurm-<job_id>.out.

Customizing Output Files:

You can specify custom filenames for these outputs in your submission script using the following directives:

#SBATCH --output my_job_output-%j.out    # Standard Output file
#SBATCH --error my_job_errors-%j.err    # Standard Error file

Monitoring Job Output in Real-Time

the tail command shows you the last few lines of a file. Combining this with watch lets you watch the output of your job in real time.

watch tail my_job_output.out

❌ Cancelling a Job

If you need to cancel a job—for example, if it's using too many resources or behaving unexpectedly—you can use the scancel command:

scancel <job_id>

Replace <job_id> with the actual job ID assigned by SLURM when you submitted the job. You can find the job id using squeue --me


scancel 123456

This will cancel the job with ID 123456.